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RRB Group D Eligibility CriteriaA. Nationality / Citizenship
(i) A candidate must be either:a citizen of India, or
a subject of Nepal, or
a subject
RRB ALP Eligibility CriteriaOverall, there are 2 criteria on which your eligibility is judged for RRB ALP Recruitment 2018 exam – Education and Age. You need to qualify
Railway Group D Syllabus The RRC Group D Syllabus is available Here. The RRC Group D Exam consists of the following subjects:Mathematics
General Intelligence and
Railway Group D Exam PatternThe RRC Group D selection will be based on 3 stages as follows:Computer Based Test (CBT)
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
RRB ALP Exam Pattern & Selection Procedure
RRB ALP selection will be based on 4 stages as follows:First stage CBT
Second stage CBT
RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Detailed Syllabus
The Following are the subjects in RRB ALP Syllabus.Arithmetic.
General Science.
Technical Ability.
General Awareness.
General intelligence.ArithmeticPercentage.