Smart IdiomsA hot potato
Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed
A penny for your thoughts
A way
1. Focus on the opening and closing paragraphs of longer passages. – The majority of the passages you will encounter on the reading comprehension questions of the GRE will be shorter,
1.Nouns followed by Prepositions>) Acquaintance with : I have no acquaintance with Maria.
>) Affection for : Raman has a strong affection for that poor girl.
>) Apology for : She offered him an apology for her conduct.
>) Aptitude for : The
abate (verb)-subside or moderate-The cyclone has abated after two days. abet(verb)-assist in doing wrong doing-You should not abet him in crime abscond(verb)-hide secretly-thief is trying to abscond from the police.
A candidate can expect following questions from the interview board.Self Introduction which includes educational qualification and family background .One must be prepared to face some cross questions from
What is one thing you would not like to change in your life.
what is your favorite subject in your school
what always make you feel good about yourself.
In reading comprehension it is important to distinguish between facts and opinions.It is also important to know the tone of the passage.
Words are the building blocks of the sentence while sentences are the building block of a paragraph and paragraphs are the building block of a passage.Therefore we must understand the