Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 19th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 12th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-27Questions(1) An important caste devloped during the Ganga dynasty was:
A) Karanas
B) Jataks
C) Jats
D) Shudras
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 10th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-26Questions(1) Who were the first European to make their settlements in Odisha:
A) Portuguese
B) Britishers
C) Dutch
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 9th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-25Questions(1) Who laid the foundation stone of Hirakud Hydroelectric Power Plant:
A) Dr. Rajendra Prashad
B) Naveen Patnaik
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 8th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-24Questions(1) Who built the Cuttack city:
A) Baraha Keshari
B) Nrup Keshari
C) Markata Keshari
D) Anangabhima Deva
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 7th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.