Odisha GK MCQ Part-23Questions(1) Odisha becomes a part of the British Empire during the reign of:
A) Warren Hastings
B) Lord Cornwallis
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 6th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 6th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-22Questions(1) The climate of Odisha is the type of:
A) Tropical
B) Sub Tropical
C) Coastal
D) None of
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 5th June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
Odisha GK MCQ Part-21Questions(1) Which Ganga ruler built the world-famous Konark temple:
A) Narasimha Deva I
B) Bhanu Deva IV
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 3rd June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.
All those applicants who are searching for Odisha B.Ed Apply 2022, can check all the details about the B.Ed Application Form, Dates, Eligibility, and many others. the State Council of
Odisha GK MCQ Part-20Questions(1) Sadharana Pathe is an autobiography written by:
A) Fakir Mohan Senapati
B) Dr. Harekrushna Mahatab
C) Kunja
Hindu Editorial Vocabulary List
In this article, all the important vocabulary of The Hindu Editorial dated 2nd June 2022 is discussed with their meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage in a sentence.