The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary of 1st June 2021
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning (English): famous for something bad
Meaning (Odia): କୁଖ୍ୟାତ
Use: She’s notorious for her wild behavior.
Synonyms: infamous, ill-famed
Antonyms: reputable
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning (English): a long, angry look
Meaning (Odia): ଚମକ
Use: She gave me a fierce glare.
Synonyms: glower, spotlight, limelight
Antonyms: dark, obscurity
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning (English): make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger
Meaning (Odia): ଏକ ଆକସ୍ମିକ, ଅସ୍ଥିର, ଅନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରିତ ଗତିବିଧି
Use: The train gave a violent lurch.
Synonyms: stagger, misstep
Antonyms: maintain, straighten
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning (English): undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
Meaning (Odia): ଶକ୍ତି ଏବଂ ଅଧିକାରକୁ କ୍ଷୁର୍ଣ୍ଣ କରିବା
Use: Do school counselors subvert young children?
Synonyms: weaken, land, bowl over
Antonyms: clean, clarify, meliorate
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning (English): a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past
Meaning (Odia): ପୁରୁଣା ସ୍ମୃତି
Use: Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays.
Synonyms: homesickness
Antonyms: Eager, Hard- edged
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning (English): violent or angry disagreement
Meaning (Odia): ବିରୋଧ
Use: 20 years of civil strife have left the country’s economy in ruins.
Synonyms: discord
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
7-Gloss over
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning (English): to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake
Meaning (Odia): କିଛି ଭାବିବା ଠାରୁ ଦୂରେଇ ରହିବାକୁ, ଯେପରିକି ଏକ ଲଜ୍ଜାଜନକ ଭୁଲ
Use: She glossed over the company’s declining profits.
Synonyms: smooth over, slur over
Antonyms: disclose, maintain
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning (English): behaving in an angry or unfriendly way that is likely to cause an argument:
Meaning (Odia): ମୁଂହା ମୁଂହି
Use: He has a very aggressive, confrontational way of talking to people.
Synonyms: ball game, battle
Antonyms: calm, unwarlike, benign
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning (English): Agreement
Meaning (Odia): ସମନ୍ୱୟ
Use: It will be difficult to get any sort of statewide concurrence.
Synonyms: coincidence, conjunction
Antonyms: dissension, proscription
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning (English): having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
Meaning (Odia): ପ୍ରତିଶୋଧ ପରାୟଣ
Use: He accused her of being vindictive.
Synonyms: vengeful, vindictive, revengeful
Antonyms: helpful, merciful
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